Rubryka informs about this.
What is the problem?
The number of refugees from Ukraine in Poland now amounts to 950,000 people, and the total number of Ukrainian citizens in Poland is about 2.3 million. Finding housing is the main problem for them. Over the last year, the cost of rent in Poland has increased significantly. In addition, the search for apartments is complicated by the language barrier, hard-to-understand websites, poor orientation in a new city, etc.
What is the solution?
To help Ukrainians with the housing search, a Ukrainian application for finding apartments for rent is being launched in Warsaw.
How does it work?
The developers believe that the main advantage of Bird is a convenient map. The application aggregates all valid ads from the market in one place.
Another problem with searching for housing in Warsaw is duplicate ads. The application contains artificial intelligence, which removes duplicates from the service.
Filters show the central/residential areas, help sort apartments by area, and choose new buildings or houses of the old housing stock. The "grandmother's repair" function is also available, filtering housing by interior and furniture.
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