Second group of Ukrainian gunners completes AS-90 howitzers training in UK

The second group of Ukrainian artillerists completes training on British 155-mm AS-90 self-propelled howitzers.

The training programme is part of the UK's commitment to supporting Ukraine's fight against Russia, Ukraine's General Staff reports.

Training on the AS-90 takes place in a specialised facility under the control of the Royal School of Artillery. They are conducted by officers and soldiers of the Royal Regiment of Artillery.

Ukrainian soldiers have undergone special training in all aspects of the operation and maintenance of the AS-90 system.

More than 1,000 British military personnel are participating in the programme, based at UK Ministry of Defence sites in the North West, South West and South East of Britain.

The AS-90 is a flexible, highly accurate, modern artillery system that provides armoured protection to its crew while allowing it to engage targets at long range.

On 15 January, Britain confirmed plans to transfer 14 Challenger 2 tanks and about 30 155-mm AS-90 self-propelled howitzers to Ukraine.

A group of Ukrainian military personnel arrived in Britain for training on AS-90 self-propelled howitzers in early February

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