This is evidenced by the data of the Federal Statistical Office, European Pravda writes with reference to SZ.
The publication notes that nitrogen is the main nutrient for plants and the most important fertilizer in quantity.
According to data from the Federal Statistical Office, in the 2021-2022 marketing year, its sales fell by 13% to 1.1 million tons.
Farmers are also reluctant to buy fertilizer this year, according to Munich-based Baywa, Germany's most prominent agricultural trader, which could result in a lower harvest.
But probably less use of fertilizers entails a decrease in nitrogen supply to groundwater.
The Wiesbaden-based agency reported a 40 percent drop in sales for phosphorus fertilizers to just under 115,000 tonnes. The sale of potash fertilizers amounted to 306,000 tons, which is 31% less.
While fertilizer sales have declined for years, such sharp declines are exceptional.
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