Putting nuclear weapons in Belarus makes country a "hostage of russia" – senior Ukrainian security official

Photo: Radio Svoboda
The deployment of tactical nuclear weapons transferred by the russian federation to belarus will be a step toward the internal destabilization of the country.
The Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC), Oleksiy Danilov, wrote on Twitter.
"putin's statement on the placement of tactical nuclear weapons in belarus is a step towards the internal destabilization of the country – it maximizes the level of negative perception and public rejection of russia and putin in belarusian society," the NSDC secretary explained.
Заява путіна про розміщення тактичної ядерної зброї в Білорусі – крок до внутрішньої дестабілізації країни – максимально підвищує рівень негативного сприйняття і суспільного відторгнення у білоруського суспільства росії та путіна. кремль взяв Білорусь в ядерні заручники.
— Oleksiy Danilov (@OleksiyDanilov) March 26, 2023
Danilov believes putin's statement means that the kremlin has taken belarus as a nuclear hostage.
It should be noted that on March 25, russian president vladimir putin allegedly decided to deploy nuclear weapons in belarus at Lukashenko's request.
It is reported that the russian federation will not transfer tactical nuclear weapons to belarus but will deploy them and train the military.
Later, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) condemned russian dictator vladimir putin's statement about the deployment of weapons in belarus.
"While president putin has nuclear weapons, Europe cannot be safe," ICAN said.
The Institute for the Study of War assumed that putin probably wanted to deploy nuclear weapons in belarus even before the start of russian aggression.