The shelling killed two civilians and injured six, the head of the Kherson regional military administration reports.
russians shelled the city of Kherson 7 times.
"The invaders launched seven attacks on Kherson city, with 23 shells hitting residential areas, private houses and apartment buildings, as well as a medical facility." Oleksandr Prokudion, Kherson's RMA head said.
Two people were killed, six were injured.
Some 59 citizens were evacuated from the liberated territories of the Kherson region in the last day.
On March 24, russian forces fired Beryslav in the Kherson region. They attacked one of the administrative buildings, many windows in the building were broken.
The same day ussian troops shelled Bilozerka community in the Kherson region, one person was killed and four more were injured.
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