Ukrainian counteroffensive are increasingly being heard in the russian information space, Institute for the Study of War (ISW) reports.
On March 24, Deputy Chairman of the russian Security Council dmitrii medvedev said russia was aware of the preparation of a Ukrainian counteroffensive. The aggressor country's General Staff was preparing decisions and measures to respond to it.
Analysts have concluded that the so-called "big" russian spring offensive "appears to be culminating. The russian information space appears to be responding to the slow-down of russian operations and potential for Ukraine to regain the initiative with substantial anxiety."
"russian military command will need to commit a significant number of forces to the frontline to either prevent culmination or launch renewed offensive operations, and it is unlikely that such forces exist at sufficient scale to do either," the report states.
ISW's Key Takeaways for 24 March:
In the past 24 hours, Ukrainian defenders repelled 59 enemy attacks. russian forces are concentrating their offensive action in the Lyman, Bakhmut, Avdiivka, Mariinka, and Shakhtarsk areas.
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