Rubryka informs about this, referring to the group's corresponding video posted on Facebook.
"The volunteers are evacuating Ukrainian soldiers under enemy fire, almost breaking through smoke, steel, and fire. Despite the difficult situation, they are returning the same way to the hell that is Bakhmut, not leaving the Ukrainian defenders in trouble," Polish paramedics emphasize.
Medical workers from Poland jokingly note that, besides medical skills, they can "practice a combination of off-road driving and Formula 1 racing."
"As long as the Bakhmut fortress is defended, we and our medical backpacks will be there," emphasized the Polish paramedics.
Recently, the head of W międzyczasie, Damian Duda, told Ukrinform in an interview that the group plans to expand to 20 people who will take turns going to Ukraine to the front.
During the selection process, the focus is on experienced paramedics with military experience. He said that the first training course for paramedics was recently held in Warsaw, and plenty of people were willing to participate in it.
After that, the first group of Polish paramedics left for Bakhmut.
A few days ago, another group of Polish paramedics came under fire at the front. As a result, one of them was seriously injured and was transported from the Dnipro to Kyiv. Another paramedic had minor injuries and has already been transported to Poland for further treatment.
For reference:
It was informed earlier that a Polish volunteer – a platoon commander of the International Legion – died near Bakhmut on March 24.
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