russians seize control over Askania-Nova nature reserve in Kherson region

russian invaders established full control over the Askania-Nova Biosphere Reserve in Ukraine's Kherson region.

The territory of the unique reserve was under occupation immediately after the start of the full-scale war, the UAnimals movement reports.

Despite this,the Ukrainian team of the reserve continued to perform its duties and did not cooperate with the occupation authorities until this week.

Photo: UAnimals

"On March 20, the first deputy head of the vladimir putin administration, sergei kiriyenko, "acting governor" of the occupied part of Kherson region vladimir saldo, and D.V. meshcheryakov, an individual in the role of director appointed by the 'Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of Kherson Region,' arrived at the institution," the movement reported.

According to open sources, the new "director" registered a new legal entity as Reserve operator on March 7.

Photo: Askania-Nova reserve Facebook page

The Ukrainian administration cannot further be responsible for ensuring further preservation of the scientific research institution for nature protection of international importance, acknowledged by UNESCO in 1985. The Reserve is under immediate threat.

At the moment, the staff remains in place.

These efforts were largely funded by charitable donations from Ukrainian and international sponsors but further maintenance of the site is deemed impossible until the occupied part of Kherson region is liberated.

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