Ukrainian NGO raises $80,000 to purchase military shoes for women soldiers

Ukrainian NGO "Zemliachky"("Compatriots") raised 80.000 dollars to purchase military boots for women soldiers along with beauty industry partners.

What's the problem?

Since the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine, many women have have joined the military to defend their land from the russian invaders. They don't only protect Ukraine, but also motivate, encourage and captivate both defenders at the front and civilians with their heroic deeds.

What's the solution?

The Zemliachky (Compatriots) NGO is engaged in supporting women soldiers, sending  military uniforms (which are sewn by themselves), necessary ammunition, and a female humanitarian on a volunteer basis to the defenders. They also talk about women at the front line, supporting and popularizing the culture of military women in Ukraine.

Zemliachky, together with partners from the beauty industry and Ukrainian companies, launched a fundraiser for the purchase of military tactical shoes for women defenders.

"Beauty is not only about appearance, clothes, or hairstyle. Beauty is about a state of mind, it is the will and opportunity to be yourself. Beauty is about a peaceful sky, a smile, calm eyes without anxiety. Beauty is a land on which there is no war. So #beautywillwin!" says Ksenia Draganyuk, co-founder of the Zemliachky NGO.

How does it work?

The campaign lasted from February 1 to March 8 and was held under the hashtag #beautywillwin. As part of the initiative, each of the participants conducted activities to collect donations, which were transferred to the Zemliachky NGO for the purchase of tactical shoes for women in the defense forces of Ukraine.

Well-known brands joined the campaign as Backstage beauty salon chain, Method Clinic medical beauty clinic, Medik8 professional cosmetic brand, Ramosu professional Korean cosmetics, LaserVille laser hair removal salon chain, DUSHKA brand of natural handmade cosmetics, Rymarenko Clinic medical center, a platform for training and development of specialists in aesthetic medicine Academy of Advanced Aesthetics with Rejuran cosmetics, herbal cosmeceuticals of Ukrainian production Rosabella, natural cosmetics, clothing brand and others.

More than 2 million hryvnias were raised by Ukrainian IT companies, which also joined the fundraisal.

More than half a million hryvnias were donated by caring Ukrainians through the Instagram of the Zemliachky NGO.

Women defenders of Ukraine's forces can message the NGO's Instagram to receive a free pair of military shoes. 

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