The Representation of the President of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea reports this on Facebook.
What is the problem?
russia has manipulated and distorted the history of Ukraine and Crimea forever, significantly intensifying its propaganda since the start of its aggression in 2014 when it occupied and annexed the peninsula of Crimea.
Myths about Crimea force people to ignore the centuries-old connection between the peninsula and mainland Ukraine. The reintegration of Crimea will not be easy, so Ukraine is working on different strategies.
What is the solution?
The online course about Crimea, ProKrym: State Policy of Reintegration of Crimea, is designed for civil servants, employees of local self-government bodies, politicians, and ordinary citizens of Ukraine interested in state policy issues in the context of the temporary occupation of Crimea.
How does it work?
The course is free and available via the link on the online educational platform Zrogmilo.
The new online course "ProKrym" talks about:
The presenters of the course are the well-known Ukrainian journalists Vadym Karpyak and Iryna Slavinska.
Invited Ukrainian experts and representatives of the authorities also gave their comments about Crimea, among them: Tamila Tasheva, Iryna Vereshchuk, Anton Korynevych, Ihor Ponochovnyi, Maria Tomak, Arsen Zhumadilov, Aliona Luniova, Olha Skrypnyk, Andrii Ivanets.
Crimean Tatar subtitles are added to all lectures. After successfully passing the final test, students will receive a certificate with 0.2 ECTS credits.
The course was developed within the framework of the Project "Supporting Crimea Platform: it's time to remind that Crimea is Ukraine," implemented by the Eastern Europe Fund with the assistance of USAID, the US Agency for International Development.
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