Ukraine’s national post mints stamp series commemorating Bucha, Irpin, Hostomel: “We won’t forget! We won’t forgive!”

Director General of Ukrposhta — Ukraine's national post — Ihor Smilianskyi, announced the release of the new stamp series: "We will not forget! We will not forgive! Bucha. Irpin. Hostomel."

Smilianskyi said on the Telegram messaging app that "some stamps are cool, some are easy, and some are difficult. Those that are extremely difficult to give you have pain and a story behind them that is challenging to convey in one small work."

In a week, March 31, Smilianskyi reminded, "we will all commemorate the day of the liberation of Bucha, Irpin, Hostomel. A day of heroism and pain, a day of fury and revenge. Until this day, Ukrposhta, as part of the series 'hero cities,' will issue a stamp "We will not forget! We will not forgive! Bucha, Irpin, Hostomel," as well as postcards and envelopes of the series."

This block will feature stamps dedicated to the three hero cities of the Kyiv region that were heavily bombarded by the russian forces, and local people became victims of russian massacre, torture, rape, and terror, the evidence of which was released by reporters after the liberation of these cities from russian occupation.

"The Mriya plane was destroyed there, and people under the bridge in Irpin, and russian equipment was burned on the streets of Bucha," said the head of Ukrposhta.

"From today, this block becomes available for pre-order on our website, and in a week, we will launch it in our branches," he said.

Smilianskyi added, "we are launching the sale of the annual book 'Stamps of Ukraine for 2021.' Of course, we were a little late with the release, but we have to do everything at the same level, so we have gathered a collection of stamps for you (among them the 'Bakhmut' stamp) and issued them in a fantastic book. Thanks to the artists and our incredible philatelic team, I wish everyone a victorious Friday. I look forward to seeing you online and in our branches."

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