Zelensky suggests to arrange “peace plan summit” in EU capital

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky suggests to host a "peace plan summit" in a European capital via video link with EU leaders.

Zelensky planned to host this summit in Kyiv, RFL journalist Rikard Jozwiak says on Twitter.

On Thursday, March 23, the leaders of the EU gathered at the summit to discuss with the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres the war unleashed by russia in Ukraine, as well as to approve the plan to increase the supply of artillery shells to Kyiv.

As the correspondent reports, in an address to the European Council, Zelensky said that he wants to host a "peace plan summit" in Kyiv.

However, he understands it could be difficult for all to come to Ukraine so asked if such a summit could be held in an EU capital.

Politico reports Zelensky addressed the EU leaders via a video call for about 10 minutes during a visit to cities in southern Ukraine.

According to a European official, the essence of Zelensky's message to the EU leaders was as follows: "Speed ​​up the delivery of weapons, otherwise the war will drag on."

Zelensky warned European leaders about five factors that could prolong the war, The Guardian says. Among them, the Ukrainian leader attributed the delay in the delivery of long-range missiles, the lack of modern aircraft and weaknesses in Western sanctions.

In his speech at the G20 summit in the fall of 2022, the President of Ukraine presented a 10-point peace plan. It covers such issues as security, including food and energy, as well as the withdrawal of russian troops from Ukrainian territory.

He was later supported by, among others, the United States, the European Union and Turkey. The Ukrainian side spoke on its intention to hold an event dedicated to the "peace formula" on the anniversary of the full-scale war.

At the end of February, the UN General Assembly, in an extraordinary session, overwhelmingly approved the draft resolution, which incorporates the key provisions of the "peace formula" proposed by Ukraine.

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