UN and EU leaders hold talks on global food security, military aid to Ukraine

European Union leaders held talks on Thursday with UN chief Antonio Guterres on global food security and sanctions imposed on russia over its invasion of Ukraine.

The leaders expected to endorse a plan to supply more artillery shells to Ukraine, Reuters reports.

Guterres' participation in the EU summit comes days after the renewal of a deal brokered by the United Nations and Turkey on the safe export of Ukrainian grain via the Black Sea that is seen as crucial to overcoming a global food crisis.

The 27 EU leaders were also due to get an update on the war from Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky via video link.

"As always, we will confirm our unwavering commitment to helping Ukraine," said Charles Michael, President of the European Council of EU Leaders.

Leaders were also expected to endorse a plan – agreed by foreign ministers on Monday – to send 1 million artillery shells to Ukraine over the next year. Kyiv says it urgently needs large amounts of 155mm shells to help combat invading russian forces.

Officials say Ukraine is burning through shells at a faster rate than its allies can produce them, prompting a renewed search for ammunition and ways to boost production.

The EU earmarked 1 billion euros ($1.1 billion) for the swift supply of shells – and possibly missiles – from existing stocks and another 1 billion euros for joint orders by EU countries for more rounds.

The money will come from the European Peace Facility, an EU-run fund that had initially been envisaged at 5 billion euros in 2021-27. The EU has already added an additional 2 billion euros to provide more military aid to Ukraine.

That extra money has now been allocated to ammunition. While that will only materialise later on the battlefield, EU leaders will start discussing another top-up of 3.5 billion on Thursday.

"We will need to take steps to increase the production capacity of the European defense industry," Michael said in his letter, inviting other EU leaders to the summit.

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