Photo: Suspilne Zaporizhzhia
Rubryka reports, referring to the Telegram channel of the Head of State, the Telegram channel of the head of the President's Office, and social media.
Initially, it was reported on social media that "the sounds of explosions were heard in several areas of the city" of Zaporizhzhia, which is often shelled by russian forces due to close proximity to the front line.
As usual, the Zaporizhzhia regional military administration urged city residents to stay in safe locations and bomb shelters until the end of the air raid.
"Keep informational silence! Do not share photos and videos! Do not help the enemy adjust fire.
"Excessive informational attention harms the Defense Forces of Ukraine. Let's keep calm and believe in the armed forces!" the authorities urged.
The head of the President's Office, Andrii Yermak, confirmed the shelling and noted that "the russians are shelling Zaporizhzhia. Residential buildings, as well as the island of Khortytsia, are under enemy fire."
Later, the President of Ukraine reacted to this shelling.
"Just now, a russian missile struck a high-rise building. russia is shelling the city with brutal cruelty, hitting residential areas where ordinary people and children live. A terrorist country seeks to destroy our cities, our state, and our people.
It should not become 'just an ordinary day' in Ukraine or anywhere else in Europe or the world. The world needs more unity and determination to defeat russian terror and protect lives quickly," the president emphasized.
The footage shows how a fire started in the building after the attack. Some apartments were destroyed, and windows were broken in the entire building.
Photo: Suspilne Zaporizhzhia
According to locals, one of the rockets fired by the russian occupiers flew into a section of a residential high-rise building. The fire spread to a neighboring building. People may remain under the rubble.
Photo: Suspilne Zaporizhzhia
Another one of the russian rockets hit the roof of a high-rise building and, fortunately, did not explode.
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