The enemy is reorienting the directions for launching missile strikes on Ukraine, the deputy head of the State Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Vadym Skibitsky.
The official emphasized the climatic winter is already ending, and the kremlin has not managed to destroy the Ukrainian energy system.
"This is thanks to our energy companies, the Armed Forces, air defense forces, as well as thanks to the coordinated work of all ministries and departments. The russians will now slightly reorient the directions of strikes. These can be military facilities, and the concentration of troops, and the logistics system of our groups." the deputy head of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine says.
Skibitsky emphasized the attacks on oil depots confirmed that the occupiers will try to destroy those critical elements of the infrastructure Ukraine needs for the successful conduct of hostilities. He added that energy will also remain among the enemy's targets.
"Critical infrastructure facilities will also remain, primarily economic – those that affect the development of our state. These are oil refineries, enterprises of the defense-industrial complex, etc." the official says.
He did not rule out that hydrotechnical and water treatment facilities of Ukraine may be under the enemy's sights, as the Air Force previously said.
"It's possible. We're analyzing which objects russia is spying on. Hydraulic structures, bridges across the Dnipro river, airfields and airports, routes for the supply of weapons and military equipment coming from the West are among them." Skibitsky noted.
russia constantly conducts reconnaissance of Ukrainian objects, including space ones.
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