The town of Avdiivka is constantly monitored by russian troops who "immediately open fire", says the head of Avdiidka RMA Vitalii Barabash to CNN.
"The number of assault operations around the town is also increasing many times over. There is more shelling of positions, more rocket attacks, more air and missile attacks, both in the city and on positions." Barabash said.
He added that 180 people left the town in the last three weeks and Ukrainian officials estimate that there are some 2,000 people left in Avdiivka. Among them, according to Barabash, are six children.
"One child evacuated Tuesday, and authorities plan to evacuate another one on Wednesday" Barabash added.
Recently in Avdiivka, the local authorities urged residents to evacuate urgently, as russian forces are constantly attacking civilian infrastructure and residential areas.
The situation around the city of Avdiivka, north of Donetsk, is becoming more and more tense, russian troops are constantly trying to surround the city.
russian invaders shelled cities in the Donetsk region yesterday: Avdiivka, Kostiantynivka, Siversk, and Bakhmut were under fire.
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