New museum for blind people will open in Lviv

3:00 Foundation will open the museum for the blind in Lviv on March 22,  as reported on the museum website.

What is the problem?

"For each of us, these are familiar locations with their own arrangement, colors, smells, and sounds. And we are used to perceiving them with the help of sight. But it can be different. For 39 million people worldwide, visual images do not exist," the founders say.

3:00 Foundation has been working toward a more inclusive society for five years, creating a world without prejudices and with equal opportunities for all.

What is the solution?

3:00 Museum of Darkness has been working in Kyiv to destroy barriers in communication between the blind and people with sight, increase the employment of the blind people, and make art accessible for all.

Now the founders want to open a "museum of darkness" in Lviv, the city in Ukraine's west, to provide the same opportunities.

In the press release, they say that the first excursion that Lviv residents and guests of the city will be able to visit will be the exhibition in the dark, "Art by touch." Visitors will be able to see paintings, architecture, and sculptures, but in complete darkness. The museum space realistically reproduces everyday places: a gallery, a house, a street, and nature.

How does it work?

"Just one hour in complete darkness, where the world can be experienced only by touch, taste, smell, and hearing, will change your views on many things that are taken for granted," the organizers add.

Such an exhibition is exciting and important for the blind as well because it is one of the few opportunities in Ukraine to get acquainted with masterpieces of art and architecture.

A new museum will employ eight blind guides and create interactive educational exhibitions for the city residents and tourists of the world.  

All tours for the blind are free.

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