It will strengthen large-scale vaccination during wartime, Odesa State Health Department says on Facebook.
What's the problem?
Most infectious diseases can be prevented by vaccination.
What's the solution?
The Department calls on all residents of the Odesa region to be responsible and undergo all the necessary vaccinations.
They also emphasized that war is not a reason to postpone the procedure.
How does it work?
The Ministry of Health of Ukraine handed over 4 Ankai buses to the Odesa Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Thanks to these buses, vaccination campaigns against COVID-19 and routine immunization during wartime will be carried out. The buses will provide easier access to vaccines against diseases that can prove fatal.
Special attention will be paid to vulnerable population groups, the elderly, internally displaced persons, people with chronic diseases, as well as those living in remote and hard-to-reach areas.
Ukrainian doctors received 59 buses from World Health Organization for vaccination.
The Lviv region received a UNICEF vaccine vehicle as well.
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