16:20 19 Mar 2023

russian intelligence attempt to hack Ukrainian computer systems

Photo: pixabay.com

Ukraine's State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection says russian hackers are adding malicious code to the hacked software hosted on torrents.

Hackers trojanize ISOs and installation files and make them available for free on torrent trackers.

If a victim downloads and installs such files on his or her computer, hackers gain access to its contents and can remain invisible for a long time.

"In many post-Soviet countries, system administrators still use unlicensed software (including operating systems) in institutions and companies of various forms of ownership, which is distributed through torrent trackers.

By installing hacked software from torrents, they actually provide access to russian secret services through the contents of working machines. Especially dangerous is the use of a hacked operating system, because in this case, attackers have full administrative access to the computer on which it is installed.

Ordinary Ukrainian users are also at risk by installing unlicensed software from unofficial sources, such as torrents."

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