russia preparing for Ukraine’s counteroffensive in Crimea

The russian invaders created a defense group on the temporarily occupied Crimean peninsula. They are preparing for defense in the event of a counteroffensive by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Vadym Skibitskyi, a Ukraine's Defense Intelligence representative at the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, announced this on the air of the national telethon.

He emphasized that Ukrainian intelligence constantly monitors the activities of a grouping of russian troops on the peninsula.

According to the intelligence, the infrastructure in Crimea is maintained in combat readiness. russian stationed a powerful land and aviation component there with about 90 combat jets and 60 combat helicopters.

"russia created a defense group, which carries out measures to arrange fortifications and defense lines. They are preparing for defensive actions on the peninsula's territory," Skibitskyi emphasized.

He says that to construct defensive fortifications, the russians "chose the most dangerous areas where an amphibious naval operation can be carried out, and now they are preparing defensive lines there."

Earlier, it became known that the occupiers dug approximately 200 km of trenches along the coast of the temporarily occupied Crimea. They turned the barrier in the western part of the peninsula into a system of trenches reinforced with wooden pallets, with places for firing and shelter.


  • According to the General Staff of the Ukrainian armed forces, the russian invaders in the temporarily occupied Crimea are actively preparing to confront the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Thus, in Simferopol, the occupying "power" creates a so-called "voluntary militia";
  • In the temporarily occupied Ukrainian Yevpatoria in Crimea, defensive structures began to be built on the coast. Under the guise of "reconstruction" of the embankment, a system of trenches stretching for hundreds of kilometers is being built there.

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