"The DT4E program has officially started. For its implementation, Ukraine received 17.4 million for the development of e-services. The project will give a new impetus to digital transformation and investments in the future of our country," the ministry said on Telegram. "With the support of European partners, we will improve the digital infrastructure, registers, and public electronic services per EU standards to create even more useful services for state and citizens interaction."
The European Union has identified four directions for funding:
The ministry is implementing the project with partners from the Estonian Academy of Electronic Management, which has been cooperating with the Ukrainian public sector for 12 years. The joint projects are EGOV4UKRAINE, EU4DigitalUA, and "Support of the EU in strengthening the cyber security of Ukraine." Currently, the Academy is implementing four projects in Ukraine with a budget of 41 million euros.
As reported, the European Union has been supporting the digital transformation of Ukraine since 2016 with a total budget of over 51 million euros.
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