The commander called for the creation of an air force coalition, Mykola Oleschuk, Commander of the Ukrainian Air Force, says at a symposium of NATO air force commanders.
"I appeal to you to step up your efforts to provide Ukrainian Air Force with modern fourth-generation multirole fighters.
They will effectively protect our country from russia's air terrorist attacks, as well as provide powerful air support to ground troops, for the liberation and de-occupation of Ukrainian territories." the lieutenant general said.
Oleschuk also added that only joint, coordinated actions of partners can help Ukraine receive Western multirole aircraft as soon as possible. An existing example of achieving this goal is the tank coalition.
The lieutenant general called for the creation of an air force coalition under the motto "Victory on the ground is forged in the sky!"
Meanwhile, Polish President Andrzej Duda said the state will hand over Soviet-made MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine in the coming days. Slovakia and Poland agreed to jointly transfer MIG-29 combat aircraft to Ukraine. Bratislava is ready to hand over 11 fighter jets, but first, it must be approved by the parliament.
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