We have to accept the inevitability of war and the pain of unjust losses. But in the darkness there is hope. Where there is hope, there is strength. Our power is to sow bread and flowers. Despite darkness and pain, to give hope to the light of those who are close, the project's description says.
The bakery also started collecting free Easter Easter cakes for military and civilians in the frontline areas as a part of the project.
Good Bread From Good People is a Kyiv-based bakery that employs people with intellectual disabilities, including mental retardation, Down's syndrome, and autism. The facility started working more than three years ago and has changed several locations. Since day one of russia's big war, the bakery has suspended the sale of cupcakes and baked free bread for people in the de-occupied and front-line territories.
In February 2023, the inclusive bakery Good Bread From Good People resumed selling lemon muffins for the first time since the outbreak of full-scale war.
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