Ukraine’s defense ministry creates anti-corruption department

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine announced the creation of the Department for Prevention and Detection of Corruption. The defense ministry calls on the public to contact this body if anyone detects abuses or corruption risks in defense procurement.

The Ministry of Defense reported this on Telegram with reference to the department's acting director Serhii Stepanian, Rubryka reports.

"Now we are rebooting and strengthening the anti-corruption unit of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. Its status has already been raised from a division to a department, expanding the staff. Selection for vacant positions in this unit will be announced soon," Stepanian said.

According to the head of the department, the task is to implement the principle of zero tolerance for corruption.

The ministry sees closer interaction with the public as one of the elements of work at the system level.

Stepanian noted that the defense minister is implementing a reform of defense procurement and has decided to ensure transparency in procurement.

"In general, I call on everyone — military personnel, businesses, journalists, public experts, and activists: if you see signs of corruption in the defense sector, please provide information," the official added.


In January, the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Denys Shmyhal, commissioned the development of an updated system to balance the observance of secrecy and public control over procurement for the army.

In March, the Ministry of Defense approved the regulations for the public anti-corruption council, including 15 people.

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