rp.pl. reports that Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced this, answering journalists' questions on Tuesday, March 14.
At the press conference, Morawiecki was asked when the planes could be handed over to Ukraine. To this, the head of the Polish government noted that this could happen in April.
"Delivery of MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine can take place within 4-6 weeks," said the Polish Prime Minister.
It should be noted that the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, previously stated that Warsaw was ready to transfer its MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine as part of an international coalition. He is also convinced that Ukraine may receive F-16 aircraft in the future.
"The rest of the MiG-29s that we have in Poland and that are currently serving in our Air Force – we are ready to deliver these aircraft, and I am sure that Ukraine will be ready to use them immediately," said Duda.
Later, Poland confirmed that they would transfer MiG-29s to Ukraine, but not many.
Polish military experts say that the country still has about 30 aircraft of this type.
In addition, Slovakia is also considering providing Ukraine with 10 of its 11 MiG-29 fighter jets that were decommissioned last year.
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