The kremlin said that the visit of russian president vladimir putin to the G20 summit in India in 2023 is still being determined.
"Interfax" reports this.
"We do not rule out this possibility. russia continues participating in the G20 group and intends to continue doing so. However, the decision has not yet been made," – the kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.
For reference:
The G20 foreign ministers' summit was held in New Delhi on March 1-2. The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the russian federation, Sergei Lavrov, took part in it.
It should be mentioned that the presence of putin was not ruled out at last year's G20 summit in Indonesia. In moscow, uncertainty was left until the last about whether putin would go to the summit, but already before the event, it was announced that he would not participate and would send Lavrov instead.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz then criticized putin for refusing to attend the meeting.
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