Instead, 24% believe that Ukraine "can refrain" from military action in Crimea in exchange for the West's commitment to helping liberate the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Another 8% could not answer the question.
The percentage of Ukrainians convinced of the need to liberate Crimea varies depending on the region of Ukraine, but everywhere exceeds 60%. The highest indicators are in the West of Ukraine (78%), and the lowest is in the south (62%).
"The poll results of both KIIS and other companies are unanimous: regardless of the wording of the questions, simply 'peace' is not of interest to Ukrainians […] A ceasefire will only postpone further russian aggression, so the struggle must continue, and there can be no concessions," the research results say.
The research was conducted from February 22 to March 6 through telephone interviews. In total, 2,007 Ukrainians aged 18 and over were interviewed.
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