The impact varies dramatically across russia's regions, a new report by British intelligence says.
"In proportion to the size of their population, the richest cities of moscow and st petersburg have been left relatively unscathed," experts added.
On 21 February 2023, russian senior officials were photographed making up the front two rows of the audience of president putin's state of the nation speech. None of these are known to have children serving in the military.
"In many of the Eastern regions, deaths are likely running, as a percentage of the population, at a rate 30+ times higher than in moscow. In places, ethnic minorities take the biggest hit; in Astrakhan, some 75% of casualties come from the minority Kazakh and Tartar populations." the intelligence notes.
As the russian defense ministry seeks to address its continued deficit of combat personnel, insulating the better-off and more influential elements of russian society will highly likely remain a major consideration.
On March 11, russia lost its 221 invaders, and 314 suffered injuries. Since February 24 2022, Ukrainian defenders have eliminated 159.000 russia's troops,m including 1090 as of March 12.
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російські загарбники знову залякують українців "потужним ударом". Однак варто пам'ятати, що небезпека триває щоденно вже… Читати більше
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