17:45 11 Mar 2023

Ukraine and Finland to cooperate in green building and environmental monitoring

Ukraine and Finland will cooperate in the development of environmental monitoring and ecological construction.

The Ukrainian government announced this on its official website.

A joint memorandum confirmed the agreements on such cooperation. First of all, Finland will share its experience in the field of environmental monitoring.

"I hope that in the near future, Ukraine will receive important equipment from Finland for monitoring atmospheric air and water quality. This will make it possible to ensure water quality control in the de-occupied territories," the report says.

Cooperation in the field of environmental monitoring is to begin already this spring.

The initiative to transfer Finnish technologies for creating housing, which can not only significantly reduce the cost of building such facilities as schools, kindergartens, and family-type children's homes but also make them more environmentally friendly, was also discussed. Ukraine and Finland are already working on launching a pilot project for construction using such technologies.

Also, Finland is ready to cooperate on implementing the points of the Ukrainian peace formula, which also refers to the international recognition of such a concept as "ecocide."

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