He clarified this in an interview with the Argentina media "La Nacion."
"I want to go to Kyiv. I want to go to Kyiv. But on the condition that I go to moscow. I will visit either both places or none of the cities," the Pope said.
Francis admitted that he could not visit Moscow then, but "it is not impossible": "I hope we can make it happen. But there are no promises."
He also said that he offered Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to come to the Vatican for an audience.
"But in the end, he postponed it after the beginning of the bombings and said that he is not canceling it, but postponing it until the moment when he can travel abroad," the Pope noted.
It should be noted that in July 2022, Francis said he would like to visit Kyiv after returning from Canada on July 30. Still, he would also like to go to moscow, preferably before visiting Kyiv, to promote peace.
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