Zelensky denies Ukraine’s involvement in Nord Stream sabotage

President Volodymyr Zelensky denied any possible involvement of Ukraine in the autumn explosions on the Nord Stream gas pipelines and said he believed that such information might be spread to provoke a slowdown in aid to Ukrainians.

"As for the Nord Stream, we have nothing to do with it," Zelesnky said during a joint press conference with Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin in Kyiv, Ukrinform reports.

When answering the question of why and who needs to spread information about the alleged involvement of "pro-Ukrainian groups" in the incidents on the NS, the President suggested that this may be done to slow down aid to Ukraine.

"I think it is very dangerous that some independent media, which I have always respected, are taking such steps," Zelenskyi said. "I think it is wrong. It only plays into the hands of the russian federation or some business groups that are interested in powerful sanctions not being introduced because their business suffers, and these groups can not only be on the territory of russia." 

He emphasized that Ukraine is currently fighting russia but added that there is still a fight against "people who see nothing but money," whose business is suffering due to the decrease in trade with the terrorist state, etc.

The head of state also said that there are third countries that allow the russian federation to circumvent sanctions.

"On the one hand, they support Ukraine, our sovereignty. They even hand over something to Ukraine, you know, helping conditionally, as they say, to check the box. And on the other hand, they bypass sanctions, where they earn tens of billions of dollars and compared to the pre-military period have increased trade with the russian federation," the President noted.

He says this applies to many states, even those that are part of the EU or are members of NATO.

"I would pay attention to this and analyze who needs it, for whom such disinformation is necessary. Ukraine did not do this. And this is the most important thing," Zelensky emphasized. "And the ones who came up with that said, there are some signs, and maybe even some kind of flag. It looks funny, to be honest. We are interested in weapons being delivered, sanctions being introduced, and our victory." 


In late September 2022, explosions on the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 pipelines near the island of Bornholm in the Baltic Sea triggered a leak in four pipeline sections in the exclusive economic zones of Denmark and Sweden.

The investigation of the sabotage carried out with the participation of the competent authorities of Sweden, Germany, and Denmark is ongoing. Many countries tend to believe that the russian federation initiated the undermining of the "Nord Streams." russia denies involvement in the accident.

On March 7, several foreign media, particularly German and the American The New York Times, reported on the alleged involvement of "pro-Ukrainian groups" in the incident. The German government stated that there are currently no investigation results.

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