IAEA re-elects Grossi for second term – Reuters

On March 10, the Board of Directors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which consists of representatives from 35 countries, re-elected Rafael Grossi as Director General for the second four-year term.

Reuters reported this with reference to diplomats.

Reuters notes that the decision made at a closed meeting was a formality since there was no challenger.

According to diplomats, the IAEA board approved Grossi's reappointment by acclamation, meaning no vote was held, and no country expressed opposition.

At the same time, the decision is subject to approval by the IAEA General Conference, an annual meeting of all member states in the fall.

The General Conference is expected to confirm Grossi for the position. His current term ends in December.

"I think it's a sign of trust. We have lots to do, with Iran, with Ukraine, with nuclear energy," he told Reuters outside the meeting room after the decision.

For reference:

IAEA Director General Raphael Grossi is trying to agree on creating a safety zone around the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP).

In December 2022, after a meeting with russian high-ranking officials in moscow, Grossi announced a shift in diplomatic efforts to create this security zone.

The IAEA is confident that this safety zone will help prevent a nuclear accident by stopping shelling around Europe's largest nuclear power plant.

According to "Enerhoatom" ( a state enterprise operating all four nuclear power plants in Ukraine), as of January 2023, all six power units of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant were stopped, and the occupiers blocked their activation. The occupied station continues to constantly consume electricity for its own needs from the energy system of Ukraine.

The situation at the ZNPP is also monitored by representatives of the IAEA, who regularly report on the shelling of the plant and the tense situation.

In addition, russia is delaying the rotation of international IAEA experts. The previous group of experts' rotation was delayed for a month.

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