Kyiv metro receives international aid and launches an art train

The UN Migration Organization has provided humanitarian aid to the utility company Kyiv Metropolitan.

This will make it more comfortable for the residents of Kyiv to stay at underground stations during air alarms, says Vitalii Klitschko, the city's mayor.

"Kyiv's metro is one of the objects of the capital's critical infrastructure, sheltering tens of thousands of people during russian attacks. Today, 46 underground stations operate as a shelter all the time. The stations have drinking water, sanitary facilities, a ventilation system, and the Internet," said the mayor of Kyiv.

Photo: Klitschko's Press Office

Aid will be distributed to each underground station used as a shelter. In order to get chairs, you need to contact the staff on duty at the station. Blankets and mattresses will be used in the event of a long-term air alarm (more than 12 hours).

Photo: Klitschko's Press Office

"We do not stop improving the conditions of stay of Kyiv residents at underground metro stations during air raids. And today, the public utility "Kyiv Metropolitan" received humanitarian aid from the International Organization for Migration. These are 10,500 folding chairs, 1,500 blankets, and 1,500 mattresses," Vitalii Klitschko said.

Photo: Klitschko's Press Office

Klitschko thanked the International Organization for Migration and all foreign partners who are helping Kyiv and Ukraine to withstand the barbaric war that russia has unfolded.

The mayor of Kyiv took a ride on the new art train, which was launched on the subway line. The wagons display patriotic drawings, words, and phrases that have already become symbolic during the full-scale war. An art train will run along the red line of the metro.

Photo: Klitschko's Press Office

The project was implemented by the Paint Hunters company, which professionally creates murals. Funds from the city budget and the underground were not involved. Artists painted an art train as a gift to the city and its residents.

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