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On the basis of a re-export permit, Estonia can export the following products to Ukraine:
"Estonia has announced the amount of goods being exported must be kept secret." Finland's government says in its statement.
The government considered this and issued the submitted permit to Estonia for re-export to Ukraine. Estonia has 42 D-30 howitzers, which were previously bought from Finland. Some of them were planned to be supplied to Ukrainian forces.
The export is likely to take place as part of a military aid package totaling 113 million euros approved by the Estonian government in January 2023.
It contains "dozens" of 155-mm and 122-mm howitzers, thousands of shells and trucks for their use, more than a hundred Carl-Gustav anti-tank guns, and more than a thousand units of ammunition for them.
After that, Estonian Ambassador to Ukraine Kaimo Kuusk emphasized that Tallinn will transfer all available 155 mm howitzers to Kyiv.
D-30 is a Soviet towed 122-mm howitzer, adopted by the Armed Forces of the USSR on May 12, 1960. In 1978, it was modified and is currently in service with many countries under the name D-30A.
Earlier, Finland decided to transfer three Leopard 2R tanks to Ukraine for demining territories as part of a new aid package. Instead, the country will purchase new tanks from Germany.
Also, on February 26, the government of Estonia allocated a new package of military aid to Ukraine.
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