What is the problem?
As a result of the full-scale war, Ukraine lacks cars for both the armed forces and critical infrastructure, especially in those regions where hostilities are taking place and populated areas constantly suffer from shelling by the russian army.
What is the solution?
On February 16, the Parliament of Latvia approved amendments to the law on the support of the civilian population of Ukraine. They provide for transferring vehicles belonging to the state to the ownership of the Ukrainian government free of charge.
According to the law, confiscated vehicles can be handed over free of charge to the government of Ukraine to eliminate the consequences of the war-related emergency and to support Ukrainian society.
How does it work?
As noted in the publication, the Minister of Finance of Latvia, Arvils Ašeradens, said that only a little more than a month passed from the idea to implementation.
The State Revenue Service, the government, and the Saeima commission on defense, internal affairs, and anti-corruption actively joined the process, and the deputies unanimously supported the amendments to the law to support the civilian population of Ukraine.
The transfer of the vehicles "is excellent news for five army units and three medical facilities," Reinis Pozņaks, a representative of the Agendum company and the founder of Twitter Convoy, engaged in selecting and transporting cars to Ukraine.
The publication emphasized that Agendum will ensure the delivery of cars to Ukraine and their transfer to state institutions.
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