Defense ministers to discuss military aid to Ukraine at EU-wide meeting in Stockholm

On March 7, the defense ministers of the EU member states will hold an informal meeting in the capital of Sweden, the main topic of which will be the acceleration of the pace of assistance to Ukraine in the fight against russian aggression.

"On 7–8 March, EU defense ministers will be in Stockholm to attend an informal meeting within the framework of the Foreign Affairs Council (Defence)," the Swedish Presidency of the EU website reported.

"The defense ministers will first discuss the EU's military support to Ukraine, especially the training of the Ukrainian armed forces by the EU's assistance mission to Ukraine (EUMAM Ukraine). The mission commanders will provide a status update at this session. A representative from Ukraine will also be participating. The defense ministers will also discuss financing the procurement of artillery ammunition in support of Ukraine," the message reads.

As noted, during the second meeting session, the heads of European defense agencies will discuss current affairs, including the progress of other military operations with the participation and under the auspices of the EU.

The third session will be held in the presence of UN and NATO plenipotentiaries. It will be devoted to developing the partnership between the EU and these international organizations.


EU High Representative Josep Borrell supported Estonia's proposal for the European Union to purchase ammunition for Ukraine on behalf of the member states. During a trilateral meeting with the participation of the NATO Secretary-General and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, which took place on February 21, he said that he appealed to the defense ministers of the member countries with a request to provide Ukraine with the necessary ammunition from their arsenals and to consider such supplies as the first and immediate priority.

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