To improve the daily lives of people with paralysis, American startup Synchron has begun human trials of brain implants.
Rubryka informs about this.
What is the problem?
Many people in the world have various forms of paralysis.
What is the solution?
Engineers and scientists have created a chip that can improve people's lives with various forms of paralysis.
Medical startup Synchron has begun testing the technology in the brain-computer interface industry.
Three US residents and four Australians are already testing this technology.
How does it work?
A chip is implanted through blood vessels to enable patients with very limited or no physical mobility to type on a computer, control a smart home, switch different programs, etc.
Scientists added that patients would be able to communicate with people around them through their minds and thus become less dependent on others.
Brain chips decipher the signals the human brain sends and convert them into digital commands that some devices can understand.
The implantation method can also be considered innovative because Synchron uses the circulatory system; this method is considered less invasive.
For reference:
Synchron is a US-based brain interface startup backed by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates.
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