Ukraine appoints new anti-corruption chief, fulfilling EU recommendation

Ukraine appointed a new top anti-corruption investigator on Monday, concluding a months-long process watched closely by Western allies. This way, Ukraine fulfilled all seven EU recommendations determined when the country received the candidate status, says Ukraine's Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal.

The European Union has prioritized tackling corruption for Kyiv as it tries to join the bloc. It includes appointing a new director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) as an essential component in that endeavor.

"With the appointment of the NABU director, we can say that Ukraine has fulfilled the seven EU recommendations that were determined upon receiving the candidate status," he said at an extraordinary meeting on March 6, where the director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau was appointed, Ukrinform reports

"This demonstrates our determination in European integration and our desire to move to the start of negotiations on joining the EU already this year," the head of government emphasized.

Shmyhal also noted that Ukraine now has a fully formed and independent anti-corruption infrastructure.

"This demonstrates our team's commitment to the principle of zero tolerance for corruption and support for anti-corruption institutions," the prime minister emphasized.

The Cabinet of Ministers appointed Semion Kryvonos as the director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine. He was, until now, the chief of the State Inspection of Architecture and Urban Planning.

In a video statement, Kryvonos said he would create conditions for officials to "fear God, the people of Ukraine, and NABU."

In June 2022, the European Commission recommended granting Ukraine the status of an EU membership candidate country if it implements seven recommendations related to the fight against corruption and money laundering, the adoption of anti-oligarchic legislation and a new law on mass media, ensuring the rights of national minorities, as well as constitutional, anti-corruption and judicial reforms.

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