The russian occupiers continue stealing resources and minerals from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.
The National Resistance Center of Ukraine reported this.
russians seized the Zaporizhzhia Iron Ore Plant almost a year ago, and now they transfer stolen ore through the port in Mariupol.
"We have an example of the typical behavior of the empire, which uses captured lands to extract resources," the message reads.
The National Resistance Center noted that the sale of ore is handled by structures related to the Federal Security Service of the russian federation (the principal security forces of russia – ed.), under whose patronage the looting of Ukrainian natural resources is taking place.
For reference:
The Zaporizhzhia Iron Ore Plant is located in the area of the settlement of Mala Bilozerka and is under the occupation of the russian army. This is one of Ukraine's largest enterprises in the mining and metallurgical industry.
The russian occupiers also began to use the local infrastructure of the Zaporizhzhia region for their own purposes, including enrichment.
In 2022, the invaders stole about a million tons of grain from the Zaporizhzhia region using railway wagons and hundreds of trucks.
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