russia bets on close combat – British intelligence

The russian command is recruiting more and more infantry for the offensive near the city of Bakhmut to save dwindling ammunition stockpiles.

According to experts of the British Ministry of Defense, at the end of February 2023, the russian mobilized personnel said they had received an order to assault a Ukrainian concrete stronghold.

At the same time, their weapons included only "firearms and entrenching shovels."

"The lethality of the standard-issue MPL-50 entrenching tool is particularly mythologized in russia. Little changed since it was designed in 1869, its continued use as a weapon highlights the brutal and low-tech fighting which has become to characterize much of the war. One of the reservists described being "neither physically nor psychologically" prepared for the action," the message reads.

British intelligence notes that the latest data indicates increased close combat in the Bakhmut area. This suggests that the russian command continues conducting offensive actions with the participation of infantry and with less artillery fire support because russia is running out of ammunition.

On March 5, the Spokesman for the Eastern Group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Serhiy Cherevaty, said there was no withdrawal of troops from Bakhmut, but a controlled rotation was taking place.

At the same time, the ISW analysts noted that the russian invaders would not be able to surround and capture Bakhmut soon.

Read alsoTwo Ukrainian pilots to fly military simulators in US – Reuters

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