Germany’s Rheinmetall looking to build tank factory in Ukraine

The German arms concern Rheinmetall is negotiating the construction of a tank plant in Ukraine.

According to Spiegel, the head of the company, Armin Papperger, stated this.

What is the problem?

Ukraine needs a lot of military equipment and ammunition to stop the aggressor.

"What do we need now? This is large quantities of artillery, ammunition, and shells to stop russia. Not to shoot at their territory but to throw them out of our land.

And, of course, tanks. The tank coalition has been formed, and I believe that, no matter what, we will get a tank army. I am absolutely sure of that. This can help us in the war with russia. And, of course, the world's faith in our victory," Zelensky emphasized.

What is the solution?

Currently, Rheinmetall produces about 250 tanks.

"We are working at full speed. We have already put more than 40 Marder infantry fighting vehicles into service; by the end of the year, there will be about 100 of them. Of the 50 Leopard 2A4 tanks, about 30 are ready. There are also about 100 older Leopard 1 models, from which we can restore 88 tanks," Papperger said.

The head of the concern believes that Ukraine needs 600 to 800 tanks for victory.

"Even if Germany gives up all 300 Leopard 2 tanks available in the Bundeswehr, it will not still be enough," Papperger emphasized.

How does it work?

The head of the company also emphasized that it is possible to build a tank factory in Ukraine.

"The Rheinmetall plant can be built in Ukraine for approximately 200 million euros," said Papperger.

According to the head of the concern, the plant could produce up to 400 main battle tanks of the "Panther" type per year. He called the negotiations with the Ukrainian government "very promising." Papperger expects a decision "within the next two months."

The head of Rheinmetall is convinced that the plant can be protected from russian air raids.

"Protection with anti-aircraft defense will not be difficult," he said.

Papperger believes that the war will last "probably for years."

"The Western allies send enough weapons there so that Ukraine can defend itself, but today the Ukrainians do not have enough equipment to retake their territory fully," he explained.

For reference:

"Panther" is a concept of a new tank, which the Rheinmetall concern presented in the summer of 2022. This development based on Leopard 2  is most convenient for countries with Leopards in service.

It should be noted that Ukraine will receive such tanks from allies in the coming months.

Poland has already sent the first Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine. They have already arrived in the country.

Read also – Ukraine to receive new Gepard and IRIS-T air defense systems soon – Scholz.


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