Ukrainian LGBTQ+ activist Olena Shevchenko name Time’s Woman of the Year

Olena Shevchenko, Ukrainian LGBTQ+ human rights activist and head of NGO Insight, became Time magazine's Woman of the Year.

"I dedicate this victory to all the invisible women of Ukraine who are doing the impossible, bringing our victory closer," Shevchenko wrote on Facebook.

In an interview with Time, Shevchenko talked about discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community during the war, humanitarian aid that often does not take into account the needs of people with disabilities, and the level of sexual violence, which has increased significantly since February 24.

In 2022, the Insight team collected over 400,000 dollars to provide women of vulnerable categories and the LGBTQ+ community with humanitarian aid and legal and psychological assistance.

For reference:

Time selects 12 women leaders who contribute to the fight for human rights annually.

The 2023 TIME Women of the Year list includes actor and UNHCR ambassador Cate Blanchett, actor Angela Bassett, musical artist Phoebe Bridgers, writer, producer, and actor Quinta Brunson, soccer player and champion of equal pay Megan Rapinoe, professional boxer and refugee advocate Ramla Ali, environmental and human rights defender Ayisha Siddiqa, Iranian dissident and journalist Masih Alinejad,  activist and leader of war efforts for women and LGBTQI communities in Ukraine Olena Shevchenko, incoming CEO of Suntory Beverages Makiko Ono, reproductive rights activist Verónica Cruz Sánchez and Brazil's Minister of Racial Equality Anielle Franco.


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