The head of the police of the Kyiv region, Andriy Niebytov, said this during the briefing.
As the head of the police noted, the burial was done by a resident during the occupation, around March 8, 2022.
With a friend, he found the bodies of local residents, whom the occupiers shot, and managed to make a temporary burial.
"When russians already established such a regime that it was impossible to move around the city, he left for a safer area and only now returned and informed the National Police that he had made such a burial during the occupation," explained Niebytov.
One of the killed men was a 50-year-old resident. The russian occupiers shot him in the car, and then the car burned down.
The identities of the other two victims have not yet been established. They were probably shot in the head.
One man had a pencil in his pocket, and another had a comb and other belongings. Law enforcement officers hope to establish the victims' identities through these personal items. The bodies were exhumed and will be sent for examinations.
Borodianka, burial
Photo: Evhen Spirin
In total, 1,373 dead people were found in the Kyiv region; still, 279 people are considered missing.
Sixty-eight of them were residents of the Nemishaivska, Borodyanska, and Piskivska communities.
One hundred twenty-seven bodies found in the region have not yet been identified. Of the 1,373 dead, about 700 were killed by firearms. The cause of death of another 350 people was mine and explosive injuries.
For reference:
It should be noted that a particular action plan was prepared for Kyiv in case of a repeated attempt by the occupiers to capture the city. Training on the defense of the capital is currently underway.
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