This was a result of the Kyiv International Sociology Institute poll, Rubryka reports.
"The majority of Ukrainians – 67% – believe russia is exhausting its resources and that it is realistic for Ukraine to win together with its partners in the not-too-distant future," the sociologists noted.
Photo: KISI
Experts said 22% of respondents believe that the russians still have a significant reserve of resources and that the war will be long, exhausting, and with an uncertain end.
Another 11% could not decide on their opinion on this issue.
Sociologists note that in all regions of Ukraine, the vast majority of the population believes russia is running out of its resources and that the end of the war on terms acceptable to Ukraine is real.
In particular, 64% of residents of eastern and southers regions think so (against 23% and 25%, who are sure russia has a significant reserve of resources).
Photo: КISI
The poll lasted from February 14 to 22. 2,002 respondents aged 18 and older living in all regions of Ukraine (except Crimea AR) were interviewed using the method of telephone interviews based on a random sample of mobile numbers. The sample did not include residents of territories that were not temporarily controlled by the authorities of Ukraine until February 24, 2022 (AR Crimea, the city of Sevastopol, certain areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions), and the survey was not conducted with citizens who went abroad after February 24, 2022 year.
Formally, under normal circumstances, the statistical error of such a sample (with a probability of 0.95 and taking into account the design effect of 1.1) did not exceed 2.4% for indicators close to 50%, 2.1% for indicators close to 25%, 1.5% – for indicators close to 10%, 1.1% – for indicators close to 5%.
Under conditions of war, in addition to the specified formal error, a certain systematic deviation is added. But sociologists believe that the obtained results still retain high representativeness and allow a fairly reliable analysis of the public mood of the population.
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