The "Blick" media reports that, according to Tamedia and 20 Minuten surveys, 50 percent favored allowing the re-export of Swiss arms to Ukraine, while 46 percent were opposed. 4% did not decide on their position.
The survey results showed a gap between generations. The younger respondents are more skeptical of weapons and ammunition transfer than older ones. Two-thirds of those who, in 65 years, would give the green light to re-exporting. While 58% of 18-34-year-old respondents and 51% of 35-49-year-old survey participants rejected this opportunity.
The Swiss were also divided on the possibility of confiscating russian oligarchs' funds for further financing of Ukraine's restoration: 49% supported the idea, and 46% were against such confiscation.
On the other hand, the survey showed strong support for neutrality. 58% of respondents believe that Switzerland is still neutral. And two-thirds (68%) believe that this concept has a future.
The survey was conducted from February 15 to February 17 among 27 668 people from all over Switzerland. The error is +/- 1 percentage point.
It should be noted that in January, the commission of the Swiss Parliament approved a submission that would allow third countries to re-export weapons to Ukraine since the invasion of russia has violated international law. However, this decision has yet to be approved but is at the initial stage.
In turn, Switzerland faced criticism from Germany and Spain because of blocking the supply of Swiss ammunition to Ukraine.
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