What's the issue?
When russia launched its full-scale war, Ukrainians stood up for their country.
A fighter called Chumak says the work of the courts stopped, so he and his colleagues went to the military commissariats but, reserved by the state, could not get to the frontline.
What's the solution?
They created the volunteer formation "Mriya," where they still serve.
"It's something like a territorial defense, these formations operate under their watch. However, unlike from the TD – they don't receive their salary and provide themselves on their own. Taxi drivers, lawyers, massage therapists and judges are in these formations," TSN reports.
The fighters of one of these VF "Mriya" are not military personnel but simply residents of one district of Kyiv. The team includes Judge of the Supreme Court Yuriy Chumak and his deputy. There are about thirty judges of various instances. And also representatives of other professions.
How does that work?
The fighters set up their position on the roof of an ordinary high-rise building. Several machine guns are in service against enemy drones, in particular, the well-known Maxim machine gun of the 1940s. As well as mobile anti-aircraft missile complexes, a searchlight for target illumination and a generator.
VF members are on duty at combat posts and shoot down Iranian drones in their free time. Anyone can join volunteer units.
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