Poland pledged to stop using russian oil by the end of 2022 last March, Mateusz Morawiecki, Polish Prime Minister, says.
Poland's PKN Orlen had a long-term contract with russian oil company rosneft, which expired at the end of 2022, and an agreement with the oil company tatneft, which expires in 2024.
"At the beginning of this year, imports from russia dropped to 10%… and in February-March, according to the information I get from Orlen, it will be 0%, so the number is close to zero," the minister said.
His statement came after the largest Polish oil company, PKN Orlen, said that russia had unexpectedly stopped supplying oil to Poland through the northern branch of the Druzhba pipeline. At the same time, the company stated that it would use other sources to cover the shortfall.
russia cut off its oil supplies the day after Poland delivered its first Leopard tanks to Ukraine.
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