Germany to supply Ukraine with automated reconnaissance systems

German arms manufacturer Rheinmetall will send several dozen million euros worth of Estonian company Defsecintel's surveillance devices to Ukraine.

The company's first so-called reconnaissance towers are already in Ukraine, Rheinmetall says in its statement.

The device is a tower equipped with cameras that can be towed where needed and used to get a good overview of the surrounding area. Estonian manufacturer Defsecintel Solutions said the company will be sending its SurveilSPIRE surveillance platform to Ukraine in cooperation with the Germans.

The devices are manufactured in Estonia. The innovation of the Estonian defense industry is internationally recognized.  Jaanus Tamm, Defsecintel CEO, adds that is the reason why Rheinmetall, as one of the world's top defense contractors, is interested in working with the company.

"The war in Ukraine has need of nonstandard solutions that can give one the edge. It is pointless meeting the enemy with the same technology they have. It is necessary to gain the advantage. I believe that the Estonian defense industry can help major international firms provide that advantage through innovative solutions."

This procedure, developed by the German government, is designed to support the Ukrainian war effort in cooperation with Germany's European neighbours and NATO partners. Here, NATO member nations transfer Soviet-era equipment to Ukraine in exchange for surplus Western-made systems.

According to the company, SurveilSPIRE can be easily transported on a trailer to the desired location. Three people are required to assemble the observation point. 4G and Starlink networks will transmit images in order to increase the autonomy of SurveilSPIRE. Its mechanisms are powered by solar panels.

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