Photo: open sources
Pistorius said that in an interview with Deutschlandfunk.
"The Chinese will not decide who will lead the negotiations. I welcome the Chinese proposal, including as an initiative, but now actions must follow. China is influencing russia. When I hear reports, I don't know if it's true, that China is allegedly planning to supply russia with kamikaze drones at the same time as it presents a peace plan. I would suggest that we judge China by its actions, not by its statements. But, first and foremost, this is just a document with twelve points, and there should be more," the defense minister said.
The minister also noted he doesn't have information on China's intention to supply weapons to russia.
"This being so, I don't have any other information. It would be a depressing event that would certainly call into question the credibility of China. And it is unlikely to be combined with a ceasefire proposal." he added.
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