French culture minister talked with Ukrainian artists, painters and representatives of the film industry, visited the "Ukraine: Crucifixion" exhibition at the World War II museum, Ukraine's ministry says.
"I want to say that we have launched the European Solidarity Fund to help Ukrainian film industry. The initiator of the creation of this Fund is France. 12 other countries have joined to it. The purpose of this Fund is to support Ukrainian filmmakers, producers, directors in the creation of new modern films about Ukraine and with the participation of the state. And we have already opened the project competition by mid-March," French minister said.
Rima Abdul-Malak also emphasized that France will continue to support Ukrainian artists, cultural heritage, literature and book publishing, as well as popularize Ukrainian culture in France.
From the first days of the full-scale war, France supported Ukrainian culture. At the same time, Ukrainian culture has become more famous in France, and artists have more opportunities for realization in this country.
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